Forth SLOG -- Advices for future fellow students

The course is about to finish and I feel like I have learned a lot. For fellow students that are planning to take this course in the future, I think I can give a few advises helping them perform better in the future.

First, this course is actually mainly about using functions. It’s like learning another language and the function is the grammar of the language, they are the rules we need to follow in order to communicate with the computer. With the proper functions, we can build simple programs of our own. My advice on building a function would be considering them like functions in math. You are putting an input and trying to get a new output by using your function as the operation. So for complicated functions, you can break them down into little steps and they build them into a big function. And don’t be afraid to make mistakes because Dr. Racket would show you how you went wrong.

Second, the course is about learning how to use a language for programming and during class, the professor will be demonstrating most of the lecture on the computer. So first of all, I would recommend bringing your laptop to the lectures. It will be very helpful if you could follow what the professor is doing and try it on your own computer. But for students that type rather slow, I would recommend them to focus more on the lecture and not type everything out. In an instance, I can’t really follow up with the professors typing speed, so I usually just listen carefully to the lecture and take down some notes. If you want to prepare in advance before taking the course, I think that downloading Dr. Racket and playing around with it by yourself is a really good practice. There is a list of function on the course website, and Dr. Racket would point out your problem when you make an error.

In addition, I would like to share a few tips I think would be helpful considering my own learning experience. A very important part of this course is the every week quizzes. I think they are very helpful and was a really good motivation to push me into studying the materials. I would highly recommend to really try out the practice lads posted on the course website. I usually like to write them down first and then run the program to see if I got them right. There are also help hours before the quizzes, so if you run into trouble it would be very efficient to just bring your questions and ask for help. As for the preparation for the tests, I would recommend doing the questions from the past tests because I find them very helpful since the questions are quite similar and it is a really good practice.



Third SLOG

First SLOG